Saturday, 5 November 2011


Again, chuey and this couch are close

for some reason, someone left a foam matress-thing in the hallway.
hello free bed!

exactly where Chuey wants to be at 7 o' clock in the morning

watcha got there?

Chuey's squished! you can tell who this is, solely based on the pants

keeping the majestic youth, alive

this almost connects!

why is his name on the bottom?

what the hell is going on in the background?
find chuey

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Maybe Maybe

Nap time!

you know you're getting old when you find yourself napping eight times a day, undisturbed


Nevermind...time to get up.

a little stretch here and there

yeah, he's awake

for some reason, this couch and the other couch just like this, in the same room, are his favourite places to rest

it's like no one wants him to come back inside

Friday, 7 October 2011

New little demons

Seven o'clock in the morning, beautiful cloudy vancouver skies, messy rooms...

what did he do now?

Glory shots, looking too cool for school

Life's good when you're at the park in the summer...

Hot air, blowy wind, tennis balls to chase!

why won't she give me any of her god damn eggs?